Saturday, September 23, 2017

America’s Rocket man set to unveil his Mars plan v.2

Elon Musk will be unveiling version 2 of his Mars plan in Australia later this month.

I guess it is time for a version two. It has been about a year since Musk first released his ambitious plan to Mars.

The short animation released that rests on You Tube tells the basics of his plan, but under scrutiny it begs the question AND?

Yes, the transport portion is an ambitious & major accomplishment, but as he has spoken of a colony, most notably at the International ‘Astronautical Congress’ in Guadalajara, specifically he has spoken mostly of the portion of the plan where he drops off 100 people per trip, inquiring minds need more.

So, now he is ready to tweak his plan. He claims it has evolved a bit. And by evolved, he has stated that the size of the vehicles that may ferry Mars pioneers has been somewhat decreased so that he can, as promised, bring the costs down. 

And, apparently the ships will have dual abilities. Not only capable of Mars but also able to be used in Earth’s orbit. Likely, if Earth’s orbit has been added to the spacecraft’s ability, the architecture has changed somewhat.


So when & where will we here of this updated plan? At the Astronautical Congress gathering in Adelaide, Australia on the last day of the conference, Sept. 29. To say it is highly anticipated is an understatement. 

Space Geek Productions, llc is currently working on a documentary of SpaceX, Elon Musk & the Mars plan but suggests a twist – linking up with NASA. Obviously SpaceX has the flying down, NASA has some great toys that will help a colony settle in & live. Remember, sometimes success lies in the details.


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